Lonely Regrets


Here I am, sitting all alone as usual, it is oh, so quiet.
I can hear the grandfather clock ticking.
it has been ticking like that making a little squeaking noise,
since when the kids were small!

Look at that old armchair,
how many times did I shout at them to stop jumping up and down on it,
I wish I could tell them now, those were lovely times-
when they were young- and I was not alone.

I wish I had gone first.
Harold would never have coped on his own though.
I am so lonely Harold- without you,
the four kids are scattered in all parts of the world.

I cannot believe it used to be so noisy.
I can see them now, running from room to room
making a mess and shouting
I can hear me screaming at them to be quiet.
Why didn’t someone tell me,
I would miss the noise and the mess,
when I grew old and lonely.

The kids could not get to see me when I was ninety one.
Bless them, its not their fault,
they live so far away!
but I am so lonely, that’s funny the clocks stopped ticking.
Hello Harold! I didn’t see you there,


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