A Grandads Legacy

Little boy, I’m going to writeWhilst watching you at Play,Some rules of life that you will needTo see you through each day. These things Iv’e learnt throughout my timeMaking mistakes most of the years,Not taking advice from othersWhich usually ended in tears. But this is part of the learning curveas you progress through your life,And […]

The air is stillthe birds stop singing.The day goes silent,When the bells cease ringing. A distance low rumblereaches the earIts impossible to discernis it far or is it near. The noise gets louderthe ground starts to shake,As the buildings around youdance to the quake. People start screamingAnd run for their lives,But there’s nowhere to […]
A chance of Love

Twinkling stars in the heavens abovecannot compare to the power of my love,“Venus” or “mars” if put to the testUp against you they would come second best. All heavenly bodies gathered as one,would not find the same love under the sun.Since the first day appeared in its glorious dawn,The world has been waiting for […]
Down Hell’s Road

A figure of a man lurks in a door wayOn a dimly lighted street,The once busy shops around himGive off no light or heat. One by one they had all closed downPut the shutters up for good,There were no customers willing to shop,And no reason why they should. It was once a thriving busy […]
The Nelson

Here’s Looking At You

Have you ever stopped to thinkAbout how you live your life,Pushing to keep up with everyone elseSo bringing yourself more strife. You take a look at your neighbourOr someone else you don’t know,Just because they’ve bought a new car,You think they have got more dough. There’s washing machines and microwavesTelevisions and laptops too,All the […]
Mother Mine

How do you thank someoneWho gave you the chance to live.Who never once takes from you,But takes every chance to give. Who’s always there to pick you upWhenever you may fallWhenever you’re in dangerThey will always heed your call. Who’s always there to kiss youAnd tuck you up in bed.Makes sure you’re washed and […]
The Joy of Life

The Driving instructor’s Lament

We all have to work to earn the doughTo allow us to survive.But the people that deserve a meddleAre the ones that teach us to drive. I was a driving instructor andWas told I was one of the best.And this is one of the storiesthat happened leading to the test. I got a phone […]
Lurch the cockerel